Training & mentoring
Build and refine your knowledge and skills
How can Your Headspace help?
Your Headspace provides training and mentoring services. Zein is experienced in devising and delivering effective, tailored training and providing mentoring to support learning, for all levels of experience.
Training is designed with you to suit your experience and learning requirements. Sessions are practical, engaging and based on research evidence. Training can encompass a general awareness and understanding of speech, language and communication and/or move towards more in-depth topics relevant to your sector. For example, key strategies you may find useful when working with a child or young person in your context. Training that includes follow up mentoring will activate knowledge and further develop confident and practical application of skills.
Training and mentoring are available in person and/or online as appropriate. Contact Your Headspace to discuss your requirements.
Training & mentoring can:
Build awareness and understanding of speech, language, and communication.
Empower and change the way that adults think about and interact with children and young people who may have speech, language, and communication needs.
Develop communicatively supportive relationships between adults and children with communication needs.
Enable participation and learning for children with speech, language and communication needs.
Improve outcomes for children and young people with speech, language, and communication needs.
Zein has provided training & mentoring to:
Parents, foster carers, kinship carers and adoptive parents/carers.
Educational professionals – including nursery/school/college staff, specialist teachers, inclusion teams, educational psychologists, school governors, school inspectors.
Health professionals.
Social Care – social workers, social care assistants, foster carers.
Youth Justice teams.
The Third Sector.
Artists (to support appropriate access and active participation).
Training & mentoring fees:
Fees are negotiated in advance and calculated on the duration of the training, necessary preparation time and the materials to suit your requirements. For in-person training/mentoring, further costs may include room hire, overnight accommodation, subsistence, travel, and travel time. Contact Your Headspace to discuss your requirements.
Training fees:
£650 per full day (7 hours excluding breaks)
£400 for up to half a day (up to 3 hours excluding breaks)
Mentoring fees:
1:1 sessions – sliding scale of £60 per hour paid for by individuals, £80 per hour paid for by organisations
Paired session – £100 for 1.5 hours session
Small group up to four people – £150 for 1.5 hours session